Is it possible to describe the ongoing art scene with toothbrushes? Gollek's artist brushes decline the art-market and their protagonists amazingly witty and intelligent - already more than twenty years ago: you'll find a "Baselitz-brush", a "Nana-brush" , "Herman Nitsch-brush", etc., etc., etc. but you will also find an invention like "the brushman" or strange beings like "whale-brushes"...
The first report of the Club of Rome ("The limits of growth", 1972) inspired Gollek to paint the largest tooth paste painting(140 x 210 cm) - entitled "Can't beat the feeling" (an ongoing advertising motto for Coca Cola at that time). Back in those days Gollek did make a Guinness World Record and got the title "Prince of whales and brushes". Today the fact that tooth paste cracks off the canvas underlines the cruel reality of almost all oceanic life: it decays in a tremendous way. The enormous power of imagination of an artist is one more time proven by this incredible painting.